There isn’t too much to say about this day! After two days of clear weather, we were bound to have a rainy day, and this was it. Many museums were closed Mondays, but one of our favorites, the American Museum of Natural History, was open. We’ve been there countless times before, but we didn’t mind going again. Evidently, everyone else in New York had the same idea, because it was very crowded! We waited to enter by the lower level subway entrance but they called out that it would be faster to head to the main entrance instead. So a bunch of people did that…I figured, why do that because everyone else is, so we’ll have just as long of a wait, but Amber suggested we do it. I don’t know that it was any faster, the lines were longer, but there were more ticket windows, so whatever…
We did the usual rounds (links open to the corresponding page at the museum’s website):
- North American Mammals
- Small Mammals
- Hall of New York State Environment – not as many people seem to visit this exhibit, but it’s very cool. It shows “the development of New York’s natural landscape over time,” its “geological history,” and also features exhibits on New York State agriculture and ecology, including “the water cycle, the relationship of plants to geology, the cycle of nutrition and decay, photosynthesis and respiration, life in a pond as a closed system, and changes to the environment through the seasons.” There’s also a large “slice” of a Great Sequoia tree, cut down in 1891. When I was little, I always worried that this slice was going to fall over and crush me! LOL
- African Mammals
- Hall of Ocean Life
- North American Birds
Since it was raining and chilly, we didn’t feel like venturing out to get something to eat, so we ate there. The Museum offers a variety of dining choices – not too bad, really. The food wasn’t bad, though slightly overpriced, as expected.
Alot has changed over the years, of course, but alot has remained the same. I’ll add photos soon!
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